
See what great love the Father has lavished on us

Generosity is a natural response when we experience the generosity of God in Jesus Christ. 

The financial support of our church is entirely dependent upon generous giving. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for taking time to consider your giving to the mission and ministry of St Peter’s. 

How to Give

It is a great help to have a high proportion of our income coming from reliable, predictable regular giving, as this helps us to plan well. 

The main way we encourage you to do this is through the Parish Giving Scheme, but there are other ways to give. 

Parish Giving Scheme is a national church initiative which hugely eases the administration of donations for us. It is secure, confidential and easy to use, and the entirety of your gift comes to St Peter’s. 

You can read more about the Parish Giving Schemehere and you will need one of these codes to complete your form. 

Eastgate PGS code: 210621084 

Carlton PGS code: 210621714 

You can still give by standing order if you wish (by setting it up online or writing to your bank) using the account details below. 

One-off gifts can be made by bank transfer using the account details below, cheques made payable to ‘St Peter in Eastgate Joint Council’, or cash in the collection plate. We also have a contactless card reader in the church building.

Account details Joint Council of St Peter in Eastgate & Carlton Account (No: 02175525, Sort Code:  40-28-20).

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim 25% of your gift (regular and one off) from HMRC. Gift Aid envelopes are available in church, or you can complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. 

Leaving a gift in your will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support the mission and ministry in your community, and the mission and ministry of St Peter’s has been enormously enhanced by the generosity of former parishioners.

If you think that it might be appropriate to include St Peter’s as one of the beneficiaries of your estate, please do so when writing your will. If you would like to discuss this in confidence, please contact the Treasurer in the first instance.